Online Syllable Counter

Deutsche Version

The Online syllable counter is offered for free from the Natke Publishing House, Neuss, Germany. If you like it, please recommend it! Please note that the syllable counter only works on desktop PCs, not mobile devices.








Syllables are counted by pressing the following keys:
"1": spoken fluently (indicated by a green square)
"0" or "2": spoken dysfluently (indicated by a red square)

"Reset" starts a new count. "Result" shows a summary with the number of syllables spoken fluently and dysfluently as well as their proportions. Duration and speech rate are based on the first and last keypress. Breaks with a duration of more than 1 second are not considered.

Note: After entering a name, please ensure the cursor moves out of the name field by clicking anywhere outside the field, so that the numbers aren't displayed in the field.

No data is recorded!